Quite an interesting weekend, one of those first-time author experiences. Received a rejection letter from Destiny Image. As I was warding off those feelings of rejection, I checked my amazon.com listing and there was, to my amazement, another five star review. Before we jump from rejection to happy, in Your Little Light Shines, I shared that you remember things in the state you learned them. Whenever you are feeling depressed or rejected, you will more easily recall other situations that made you feel depressed or rejected. The reason why you should not dwell on a hurtful memory is because it grows into thoughts of all your other collective hurtful memories and it becomes overwhelming. You think about the rejection letter from Destiny Image and all of a sudden you remember something negative your ex did to you. So you have got to manage what you think about.
Now we can jump to happy. One of the things that flabbergasts me is when someone (a perfect stranger) gets something from the book and writes a review. This review, from "real health hope blogger" who lives in Kentucky, said, "This is the book I'd been looking for and thought I might have to try to put together myself. I intend to use it in teaching very smart "church raised" recovering drug addicts. It is EXACTLY the book we need for just such a time as this. It "shines THE light" through Scripture and removes the "tatoos" from the reader's soul."
I am humbled.
I love the tattoo analogy. Once something is imprinted or tattooed in our memory, it takes as much effort to remove that memory as it does physical effort to remove a tattoo.
Thank you Real Health Hope Blogger for taking time to write the review and giving me words of encouragement.
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