Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In the womb

There was a moment when I was going to (sub)title my book, "We serve a microscopic God." It played well with quantum physics which studies matter and energy at the level of molecules, atoms, or smaller. Many years ago I did a bible study where I passed around slides from a biology class that had tiny red-stained dots on it. Each dot represented hundreds and hundreds of cells that could only be seen with a microscope. (Ever think about the mind that invented the microscope?) I asked the class, "When God said, 'Let
us make man in our image, after our likeness' what image was He talking about? The
 image of an adult man or the image, invisible-to-the-human-eye, of a single microscopic sperm cell that fuses with a microscopic single ovum?" These invisible-to-the-human-eye cells contain all the DNA of the fully developed, individual adult. That question was followed with, "When God looks at a mustard seed, does He see the seed or does He see the fully grown tree with birds on its branches? (Matthew 13:24)"

How is that relevant today? A friend called with the distressing news that her grandson had been arrested (again). Often times our behavior is a result of beliefs that are embedded in our subconscious, of which we have no awareness. Sometimes we are as addicted to certain emotions as a drug addict is to heroin (see April 5, 2013 blog) and we are not aware that we have an addiction. Many times, as adults, we are still challenged with what happened to us in utero.

Some books everyone should read, study, and keep in their library. The Secret Life of the Unborn Child by Thomas Verny, M.D. with John Kelly is one. The book says that how the unborn child (fetus) experiences the mother's womb whether "friendly or hostile—does create personality and character predispositions." A warm, loving womb produces a child who is predisposed to trust, openness, and self-confidence. A hostile, rejecting womb produces a child who is predisposed to suspicion, distrust, and introversion. The Secret Life of the Unborn Child says for the child in a hostile womb,   "Relating to others will be hard … Life will be more difficult for him than for a child who had a good womb experience."

Sometimes the reasons why we act the way we act are deeply hidden in our psyches.

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